Last year on January 2nd my New Years Resolution was to lose weight and that I did, a whopping 106lbs and counting! The great thing about this wasn't what you'd expect. Yes the lost pounds, astounded gasps from people I only see on a limited basis, and new clothes in sizes that I hadn't seen since my 20's were great. However, the best gift I received from last years New Years resolution was stumbling upon the truth of health and nutrition. That gift, more than anything else, saved my life. This brings me to New Years 2012. How can you top a resolution like that? Well whats funny is that the Universe or Universal power, higher power, God, Goddess or whatever you want to call it has a way of topping things and has a twisted sense of humor.
Towards the end of the year last year I had decided to do my first ever liver and gallbladder cleanse. I have been reading books by Andreas Moritz and stumbled upon his book The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle cleanse. It intrigued me because I had already read his health views in his other book Cancer is not a Disease its a Survival Mechanism and these views rang true with me. After watching a family member suffer with cancer, I found Andreas' book to be a new way to look at that disease. This is how I stumbled upon his liver cleanse book. I tried the cleanse the week after Thanksgiving and I must say I believe we could all benefit from a cleanse or two or more! The cleanse isn't a new thing in the Holistic world. As a matter of fact, body (liver, kidney, and other systems) cleanses have been performed for thousands of years in many cultures. Kims family joked about how their grandmother used to "cleanse" them every spring with a "tonic". I was thinking of how much our elders really knew and we just blew it off! So here's my experience with liver cleanse #1. Oh and by the way my New Years resolution for 2012? I'm calling it "The Year of the Cleanse". A cleanse every 6-8 weeks, as my body allows, for the rest of the year. I can hear the Universe chuckling right now.
Hols first cleanse:
It was 5 days of eating very light. Not much fats, no animal products (meat, cheese, eggs), lots of soups, salads, rice, etc. Each day I was to drink 32oz of apple juice for the action of the malic acid. I was quite nervous as this was my first ever attempt at a liver cleanse. I had been on youtube and a lot looking at other peoples experiences. Some of the people on Youtube scared the you know what out of me but curezone reassured me that I was on the right track. So on the day of the actual cleanse (day 6) you dont eat much. They recommend a light breakfast of oatmeal or rice cereal no sugar or nuts. For lunch they recommend a light meal of rice and broth and no food after 1pm. In the evening I got to start the "fun" part of the cleanse (joking). There were a series of epsom salts drinks then at 10pm a concoction of olive oil and grapefruit juice. Needless to say the flavor of the epsom salts left MUCH to be desired. Actually it tasted HORRIBLE. Funny but the olive oil and grapefruit juice wasn't bad.
After it was all said and done, 2 days later, I knew I felt different but was unsure as to the succcess of the cleanse. I received a true confirmation via blood test a few weeks later as I had tested my blood prior to the cleanse and a few weeks after the cleanse and it showed a hugh improvement in my liver function in relation to my thyroid activity. My naturopath commented without knowing of the cleanse that my liver function was much better. It was then that I told her of the liver cleanse and she said "I can see the improvement".
Well according to the book I've been following regarding the cleanse I have to repeat this procedure another 4-10+ times to truly cleanse the liver of years of congestion. The book is an important tool and I highly recommend it if you've been thinking of doing a cleanse. Andreas covers a lot of points other then the actual cleanse like why we do this and what sort of processes are occuring to create a congested liver.
IMPORTANT: I don't recommend doing this cleanse without the assistance of a health care professional or your personal health advocate. I absolutely do recommend doing a cleanse to alleviate the years of stress we put on our liver and to assist it with its hundreds of essential functions. Talk with your healthcare practitioner for advice. If they're not open to this way of thinking maybe you should consider finding a doctor who is open to alternative methods of health as well as current standard methods. Its your health, you have the right to take charge of it!
Hopefully this information helped. Let me know if you have questions, need advice or have some advice.
Cheers to Health!
Cheers to Health!